Welcome to ContiLift Gabelstapler GmbH & Co. KGForklich Purchase & Sale
Welcome to ContiLift
ContiLift Forklift the specialist for forklift purchase and sale, as well as faultless used forklifts
Forklifts & Warehouse Equipment Sale and Purchase
New & used forklifts - ContiLift Forklift Purchase & Sale
ContiLift welcomes you to our website and would like to present you our services and working methods. On the folliwing pages you get informed about the possibilities for purchase and sale of used forklifts and warehouse equipment.
Our strengths:
Europewide forklift purchase
Diesel forklift, gas forklift, LPG forklift, electric forklift
Europewide forklift sale
Recovery of industrial trucks throughout Europe
Express processing
Latest Products

Non Marking - nicht kreidenNon Marking
Price: 338,00 € (excl. VAT.)

21x8-9 ( 200/75-9) CLIP Non Marking - nicht kreiden
Price: 254,00 € (excl. VAT.)

21x8-9 ( 200/75-9) CLIP Non Marking - nicht kreiden
Price: 224,00 € (excl. VAT.)